Children of Captain Grant by Jules Verne

The author’s main purpose in writing The Children of Captain Grant is to show the protest against human colonization, the love of the children for their lost father, whom they try to find until the end of the story.
The story tells the story of 19th century England’s colonizing policy, infringing on the rights of Indians and other tribes by treating them with no leniency. The development of civilization and the domination of the English influenced the treatment of these people, which led to their oppression. This caused millions of Indians to be exterminated, thinned, and nearly disappeared as their rights were constantly violated.
Some of the themes touched on in this work are that of friendliness, unity, and struggle, the combination of which helps the characters overcome obstacles in their search for Captain Grant.
The story makes extensive use of the science of crop farming, processing techniques and other areas of development, where the reader’s fascination is used, with lively themes avoiding boring narrative phrases.
The novel describes the love of a son and daughter for their father when the children are not afraid of the difficulties, hunger, and hardships of being reunited with one of their parents. They go through adventures that have brought them even closer together, and meeting their father was even sweeter because the feelings they experienced doubled after reaching their goal.
What can not be said about today’s youth, who love everything ready-made, predictable and available, as long as they do not sweat for nothing, which makes them lazier and talentless. Only diligence and patience leads to the most unexpected results, the main thing is always in motion and achieve their goals. This is what Robert and Mary did, saving their father in spite of the difficulties, worries and anguish, which brought the family ties between relatives even closer.
However, the author’s main purpose accompanied the entire story and always played an important role in the story of this work, juxtaposing positive and negative characters. Before the reader is revealed the whole truth about the injustices of social and national differences and the enslavement of peoples against the background of fantastic adventures, giving a veil over the true grief of humanity, where the struggle for survival.
They are also supported by the positive characters of the story, associated with science, progress and research, where they help the weaker people by life rank and ethnic location in this world. In a world where all people are equal in every sense of the word, but those who have not understood this, Jules Verne, created this masterpiece of a work that will forever eradicate from the souls of sinners such moral qualities and lowliness of spirit. Since colonization led to the death of many people who were also entitled to a happy life without oppression, to the same living conditions in our civilized world, where only animals act in a non-human and non-human way