Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen

The world of fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen is an amazing immersion in a magical land of childhood, where there are good and evil fairy tale characters. For children they become an example of how to behave in this or that situation in life.
The main characters in the plot of the fairy tale are Kai, Gerda and the Snow Queen. From the first lines, the author gives an idea of the children, who treat their grandmother with great respect, with interest and care for the plant world. Kai and Gerda are an obedient boy and girl who reverently take care of the flowers, remembering to water them. The inseparable children find themselves separated from each other because of the shenanigans of the evil Snow Queen, who is the lord of the eternal cold. Throughout the tale, Gerda tries to find her way to the villain’s castle and rescue her friend.
The author lays down several ideas in the work that readers should understand and analyze after reading the book. These are the children’s relationships with each other. Their tender feelings, loyalty, hard work and respect for elders are the main things that should be present in the life of every person from a young age. The extraordinary loyalty shown by the girl in the fairy tale, trying despite fear and obstacles, the author of the fairy tale sets an example.
Andersen uses his own symbol of love, hope – the rose. This flower seems to protect not only the relationship of the characters, but also saves Kai’s life.
The author clearly separates the negative characters from the positive. The queen is a calculating, aggressive, indifferent woman who rejoices when people suffer, commands the cold. The brigand pursues her goals using deception, cunning. Kai and Gerda are positive characters. They are defenseless, hardworking, and kind. An exception is the enchanted image of the boy.
Through true love, the nastiest feelings can be transformed into human feelings. This is the message the author wanted to convey through Gerda’s deed. Only through true mercy, love, innocence, cordiality and friendship does the evil force recede, sincere tears make Kai return to his former state. Even the icicles folded into the phrase “eternity” under the influence of the girl’s faithfulness and sincere tears.
Thus, the hero is rescued from the ice captivity, evil is punished, and the tale has a happy ending. This, according to the author, is how any story should end, where there is a struggle of good and evil, selfishness and goodness, love and hate.