How To Start Writing a Children’s Book

Writing a book for children seems to be an easy task but it is not as you have to be more clear and specific about the choices. Therefore to help you create a master price this article has brought a few tips to share with you which can help you in writing a children’s book. So, the pointers are as follows:
1. Clarify Your Objectives
Whatever you do, whether writing a book or anything else, a clear picturization of your goal and objectives is a must to get success. Before starting writing, think and ask some questions to yourself and try to answer them honestly. Take a “why ” question. Think about why you want to write a children’s book, what your objective is, like, whether you are writing to just earn profit or want to be a favorite writer among children. Think of you as a child having to read a book then which book would you like to read and what it should look like. If you have some time they can take a survey of a few kids from your near society on their reading habits.
2. Read More Books
While doing a thing, what to do is important but more important is what not to do. Reading a lot of famous books written specifically for children will help you gain knowledge of what kids prefer to read. There are rhythms, tones, picturization, style, font, etc which makes a book look more attractive and loving. If you think that this can be done by reading just two-three books then you are wrong because it can restrict your ideas. Reading more and more books will make your thoughts limitless. What do you think ending in a book might get you as an introduction in another. Thus giving you a broad sense of writing a book.
Always remember that you are writing for kids and thus you need your million thoughts structured in a 30-40 page book. Children can’t read a 100-200 book, the fewer pages a book will be the more interesting it might seem to kids.
3. Decide Your Reader’s Age Group
You need to choose a target audience for which you are writing and decide the age group of that audience. When you have the idea of the age of your reader audience then you can easily sum up your thoughts. For instance, if you know that the story that you have in your mind is for children up to four years of age then you can easily comprehend that your book has to be full of colorful pictures and lesser words. The story should be in the form of animal characters like cartoons. All this will make your work easy and will take less time.
4. Observe The Reader’s Life
As mentioned above, what you need to do is select an age group of kids but what do you do after selecting it if you don’t have a story already in your mind? So the next step will be observing their life and understanding what their concern areas are, where they get conflicts and struggles.
For example, if you decide your target audience to be between 3-4 years of age group then their concern areas would be such as homework, going to school, playing, friends, new toys, etc. Then after knowing you can bring these things in your story character’s life so that even these small children can relate their life with that elephant playing the role of the main character in your book who has to go to school daily, wants to play with his friends and loves to eat chocolates. This is how you can attract and connect to the kids as their favorite authors.
5. Use Rhythms
The starting and ending of the book should be in sync with what the story has been in the middle. Thus keeping a rhythm all around the story, if possible then try to form words which can then make the book reading interesting to small kids.
Once you have written your book then give it to some people like your family members or children for proofreading and take their reviews on it. And at the end, don’t forget that not all masterpieces are created in one stroke, many of them require practice to be perfect. Therefore don’t get hesitated with the process, enjoy it even if it takes time and energy!